Workshop For Parents

Workshop For Parents

attachment-parenting.feature-pic-1-470x260As most of our followers and subscribers are parents, we're really excited to announce that Parivarthan, a premier Training and Research centre for Counselling is planning to offer their renowned Life Skills Programme on Parenting in September 2013. An Introductory session will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm.ILM Montessori highly recommends this 25 –hour training programme, for parents only, to be held on Mondays and Thursdays from 10.30 am to 01.30 pm, beginning Monday, September 2nd and will end on Thursday, the 26th, 2013.The fee for the training programme will be Rs.6000/- (Rupees six thousand only) that will include all course material, and refreshments. The fee is payable in cash/by a cheque in favour of “Parivarthan”.If you wish to attend the Introductory Session, or require more details visit their website, or e-mail them at at the earliest, as it is a highly sought after programme and they have a limit on the number of participants for the Programme. Also, feel free to inform anyone you know who might be even remotely interested.


Birthday Boy: Saket


Independence Day, The ILM Way