Birthday Boy: Saket

Birthday Boy: Saket

The long holiday weekend had come to an end but the celebration and festivities continued well into this week as we shrugged off our Monday morning blues to celebrate Saket's third Birthday.Here's a detailed account of the carefully choreographed birthday bash.IMAG1537Our prayers were answered when our class attendance was at its all time high, with the absence of just one child. On occasions like this, we believe, "the more, the merrier".IMAG1538It was snack-time and it was time to execute our plans for the special day. The kids were asked to sit around the yellow line while a globe was placed on the chowki. Saket along with the rest of the kids looked confused, restless and of course hungry.Saket's mother then entered the environment and began interacting with the staff. Words like "paper plates", "caps", tissues" were used in the conversation and it was only a matter of time before our smart kids began recounting the last birthday routine at school. Our observant kids got the cue and pieced the all details to figure out that it was Saket's birthday. Without wasting time, they got straight to the point and bluntly asked for the cake!IMAG1543Saket's happiness was evident on his face while he and his mother took part in the Montessori birthday ritual.IMAG1540It involved Saket carrying the globe and circling the yellow line four times, while his mother shared some her fondest memories of him growing up with the rest of us.The first three were symbolic of his age while the fourth was for "good luck".IMAG1552After saying a little thank you prayer,the cake was presented, the candles were lit and the cameras captured the moment everyone was waiting for. Saket cut the first piece of cake as our kids "melodiously" sang and clapped to the "Happy Birthday" song twice!IMAG1549The big, creamy and colorful "Thomas The Tank Engine" cake was an instant hit and was thoroughly enjoyed by all the kids and staff members.Saket's dutiful and doting mother, went the extra mile for her son by turning photographer for the day to capture every single moment of his special day.IMAG1546After completing her her photography assignment she continued to bask and share the precious moments with her son and interacted with his friends.IMAG1560After a while, much to the kids disappointment, the festivities ended as our birthday boy Saket was given the rest of the day off to celebrate this day with family and friends outside school.


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