Independence Day, The ILM Way
Independence Day, The ILM Way
While the rest of India commemorated Independence Day with the usual fervor, pomp and grandeur, ILM Montessori customized its celebrations to make it enjoyable and meaningful for our kids.
We kick started our day's schedule with a special art activity that involved making miniature India Flags. The activity familiarized them with the Indian National Flag as the significance of the colors was explained in the process.
The Saffron color represents "Unity in Diversity", the White color symbolic of "peace and harmony". The Green color signifies "prosperity and growth" while the Ashoka Chakra signifies "truth and motion".
After that it was time to sing the National Anthem twice (requested by the kids themselves!) for which they had learnt and practiced for over week.We were ecstatic and filled with pride to see them singing while standing in perfect "attention" with their hands on their side and heads held high.
If that wasn't enough to surprise us, at the end of it all, they even saluted and said "Jai Hind!" without being prompted.The act of celebrating "Independence" every year was interpreted and presented as "India's birthday" a concept that most of them were familiar with. The "National Anthem" on the other hand was presented as "India's birthday song", something they were eager to learn and sing.
A simplistic interpretation and celebration of "Independence Day" like this allows kids at this early age to identify, appreciate and acknowledge their country's achievements gradually igniting in them love and respect for their country.