What is Montessori?

Based on the teachings and philosophy of Dr Maria Montessori, The Montessori Method celebrates and nurtures the children’s individuality, innate desire to learn and develop their own capabilities.
It is one of the oldest and most successful educational methodologies, renowned worldwide for its emphasis on the all round development of the child through independence and guidance with freedom within limits.

Our curriculum follows The Montessori Method of Education that guides the curious minds of children helping them to gradually make sense of the world around them. The Montessori environments are beautifully designed spaces where children work with child-size materials and learn to interact and work with others as they explore concepts of learning with confidence and ease.

A Montessori that aspires to shape minds and nurture souls, education at ILM goes beyond books and exams.

While there are friends to be made and lessons to be enjoyed, there is always time and space to embrace values like compassion, humility and respect, because children here are encouraged to be naughty and nice.

By creating learning environments that offers children both physical and mental space to grow, explore, discover, think, question and reflect, we truly believe in our motto of Inspiring Lives with Meaning.

You can read more about The Montessori Method of Education on our blog where we have explained and discussed extensively on how we teach at ILM and a wide variety of topics relating to education like How to Choose a Pre-school etc.