Reading Program at ILM
ILM Montessori is extremely delighted to introduce a fantastic Interactive Reading Program for kids that will help them to discover the joy of reading by cultivating a strong interest and desire among children towards reading books.Here’s a brief description of the Program to help you understand what it is all about, and why we’re introducing it.What? :It is an activity based, interactive and highly beneficial reading program designed to refine reading, writing and communication skills of the child.
Why? :Most parents are concerned that their kids don’t read enough or at all and that this may negatively impact their child’s academic future.We believe that reading expands their mental horizons, helps children to make sense of the world around them and enhances their creativity and imagination.This Reading Program hopes to achieve all this and more by creating an exciting environment that makes reading an enjoyable experience for kids.
Duration: 2 Months (4 hours per week)When: Mondays & Wednesdays from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM.Age Group: 5 years to 7.5 YearsThe Program will commence on Monday, 3rd February 2014.As this Program is also open for kids studying in other schools, we'll be pleased if you could share this with your friends, family and whoever you think might be interested.We request you to Register and Pay at the earliest as there is a limit on the number of seats available for this program.For more information and registrations send us an e-mail ( with your name, participants name, age and your phone number or just call us (+91-9900025633).Looking forward to hearing from you all!