New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Day 1. 17th June 2013A familiar concoction of anxiety and excitement was brewing at ILM this morning. While some customary tears were being shed as kids navigated hesitantly towards alien territory, their parents experienced an emotional roller-coaster ride.1Photo1photo.jpg12After a brief period of settling and exploring this "alien" environment, it was "circle time" for the kids who were made to sit around facing each other during snack time. After a quick "thank you" prayer our adults demonstrated some basic table manners and assisted the kids with their food.IMAG1094Some of our kids seemed to enjoy the peace and serenity of our little library and surprised us with their love for seeing and reading books.IMAG1089-1Day 2 18th June 2013For the second day in a row, our kids expectedly bid tearful goodbyes to their parents. However unlike yesterday, it takes only about fifteen minutes for their tears and fears to be wiped away as the doors of the "Art Room" are opened.art2Using their creativity and imagination they mould and transform colourful clay dough into fruit bowls, turtles, flowers etc.artDay 3 19th June 2013On this bright and sunny day, our kids ventured into our outdoor play area. We were delighted to witness the kids doing what they're best at- having fun!IMAG1123IMAG1120Making the most of this opportunity they indulged in a variety of team games like catch and football, which stimulated interaction between different age groups.IMAG1129It was heart warming to see the older ones instinctively looking out and lending their helping hand to the younger ones.Day 4 20th June 2013Our kids have been individually encouraged to exercise their freedom to choose learning materials that excites them to work with. At first, we see a typical scene of a Montessori environment.IMAG1150A a couple of them are busy completing puzzles, some have decided to immerse themselves in books and the others continue to explore and experiment with a variety of material before taking a liking to a specific learning activity.IMAG1145However with time, we can see that our kids are gradually getting out of their individual bubbles and interacting freely inside the classroom environment.IMAG1153By learning to work together they are imbibing essential values of team spirit like sharing and cooperation, that build character and shape personality.IMAG1154After all the work it was time for some play! The kids had experienced the indoor and outdoor environments, but were in for a surprise when we took them to our backdoor environment, every kid's favourite- The Sandpit!IMAG1164234Day 5 June 21st 2013After a brief period of settling and exploring, the kids have embraced the new environment, filling it with their innocence, love and energy.Thrilled at the prospect of embarking on this journey with these little angels ILM Montessori reflected the radiance of a "House of Children".




Simple Wisdom