Look Who's Smiling!

thumbnailWe just can't stop smiling!Read on to find out why...

New additions to the ILM Montessori family!

We're really happy to welcome our little newbies Rishab, Anusree and Krish into our growing ILM Montessori family. And it doesn't end with them, we're eagerly waiting for Imaad and Ankita who are expected to join us in January 2014.With that, we've finally crossed the number 15!

We're Expanding!

To be honest, we're really overwhelmed by the buzz we've created among education circles. The response ILM has got from both parents and well-wishers has been phenomenal! All this appreciation and support has motivated us to take the next big step. Yes, we're no longer just a Pre-school but also a Primary school for kids aged between 6 to 9, from the next academic year i.e June 2014.With preparations going on at full swing for the next year, application forms for Primary are now being issued at the office. For any concerns or questions related to this, give us a call at 9900025633 and we'll guide you through. :)

New Ad Campaign

The number fifteen won't last long as we're launching a series of ad campaigns that will surely bring a smile on your face. Our campaign kicks off on Friday, with a newspaper insert followed shortly by an ad in Kid's Directory's December issue. If you're in the neighborhood, watch out for our pole-hoardings too!We'd really like to know what you think of our campaign- does it work for you? Love it? Hate it? Let us know what you feel. We'd really appreciate the feedback and work hard to improve. :)


Birthday Belle: Anyra


LAMDA Exams at ILM Montessori