ILM Website Reloaded

Our website has undergone a huge transformation in these past two weeks to make it more accessible, appealing, pleasing and we're really excited about this!!1FAQs_Final_RGB (1).jpg1We've added a few fantastic features and pages like our exclusive testimonials page where you can view all our videos here. Another great addition to our website, is the beautiful info-graphic (thumbnail on left) on The Montessori Method FAQs that can be viewed here. A host of formatting changes and additions are on their way as we're continuing to experiment with and enjoy this process of change. As this is very much a work in progress, we're eager to know what you, our readers think and feel about this facelift we've undergone.So go ahead spend a few minutes exploring our website and feel free to express your views and opinions both in the form of brickbats and bouquets! :D


LAMDA Exams at ILM Montessori


ILM Montessori Parent Testimonials: Children's First Days