Bangalore's best Library comes to ILM - and is open for ALL!

Children are cramming up to 6 hours of screen time, every day.
Their eyesight is weakening and their minds turning to rot.

"But what do I give them?  How do I keep them occupied?"  You ask.
Roald Dahl has answered in his epic poem on Television:

So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
Go throw your TV set away,
And in its place, you can install
A lovely bookshelf on the wall.
Then fill the shelves with lots of books,
Ignoring all the dirty looks,

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl

"Sure, that may work for Roald Dahl’s children living in England in 1970s, but it wouldn’t work for me and my kids in staying in Koramangala in 2020," you mutter.

We hear you.  Perhaps books couldn’t really compete with the allure of an iPad or YouTube…
...till now! 

Presenting the Cosy Nook Library at ILM Montessori: 

A branch of the beloved Cosy Nook, within our premises. 

This is truly the BEST Library in Bangalore! 

It may not be the largest or the grandest, but in terms of getting children to fall in love with reading…it is THE BEST!

This is because, unlike a typical library, this isn’t rows upon rows of dusty, discarded books in a dingy room. 

It’s a perfect backdrop of green, birds perched with their delightful chirping. 

The books are curated with incredible skill and finesse.  These are the books for little ones that will take the to flights of delightful fantasy into different worlds. 

A Library is only as good as it’s Librarians.  The librarians of Cosy Nook are themselves are author, publisher and teacher.  So, they know children.  And they are present at every library session to get to know your child so that they can aptly select the book that is just right for them.

With over 3,000 titles, there are books at Cosy Nook for 2-year olds all the way up for Young adults.

Cosy Nook at ILM is not just a library.  It’s a cultural reading centre.  Because Cosy Nook regularly invites authors to mingle with the children, holds workshops to inculcate the love of reading and storytelling as well as hosts fun activities to make books a part of your children’s lives.

The Library is not just for students at ILM. One and All are welcome!

The Library timings are:

Tuesday to Friday: 4:30 pm to 7 pm
Saturday: 11 am to 6 pm
Sunday: 2 pm to 6 pm

Membership fees are just Rs. 2,500 for 6 whole months!

So if you find your little darlings glued to the TV. And no amount of cajoling or mean-looks is making a difference. Take it easy on yourself. Just bring him/her over to Cosy Nook Library at ILM Montessori. Take membership. We'll take care of the rest.


13-week Woodwork Workshop: Deepening Design Thinking & STEM


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