Annual Day Preparation 2022

Creativity is as important now in education as literacy and we should treat it with the same status! -Ken Robinson

Children are so full of new ideas and these ideas, upon finding an appropriate outlet, have the potential
to change the world. Not only that, they help children gain confidence, in their abilities, their creativity
and their place in the world. After a long hiatus of 4 years, ILM Montessori got the opportunity to
unleash this creativity, in the form of our Annual Day Celebration. The mere mention of the words
brought on a barrage of feelings – Trepidation towards undertaking such a massive enterprise,
Excitement at being able to do something creative and feeling overwhelmed – We were all rusty at our
public performance skills, due in no small part to the pandemic.

The children, however, were ecstatic! After multiple discussions, the topic decided for the skit for Upper
Elementary section was: “Beyond the Visible”. In keeping with what was being taught in Science,
Mathematics, English and Kannada, we came up with a script that was to take us on a journey of
magnification. From the visible, to the visible with assistance, right till impossible-to-see, a story was
spun, spanning magnification 1X to 1,000,000X.

As they say, the journey is more important than the destination...and the children made the most
of the journey! In order to make the objects at each magnification visible, we needed props! The crafting
geniuses didn’t disappoint and thence started the journey of creativity, hard-work and planning.

Some snippets from preparation of props:

1. Ziyaam, Shruthi, Anusree and Hamna preparing
“nucleotides” for creating a DNA model, using papier-mâché.

Dhruv, Saud and Ayan, painting Styrofoam balls to create electrons, protons and neutrons.

Dhruv, Saud and Ayan, painting Styrofoam balls to create electrons, protons and neutrons

Amid the glue guns, cellophane, and the double helix of DNA their tiny hands learnt to collaborate with each other and their inner complexities. These little humans teach us as much as we teach them. We must all reconcile with the child inside us that peeled glue from palms and played with confetti.

Their journey and destination were equally beautiful and their happy, chirpy faces attest to that. We hope their journey was as inward as it was outward, and the double helix of model DNA and their inner one are twines to create a world of tender beauty, creativity and utmost joy.


Praani Animal Sanctuary -A way to appreciate animals in this mad-paced world


Going on a field trip! (2022, Upper Elementary)